sobota, 16 września 2017

Leaving The Labyrinth of Shadows


I flew over a Body of Water
Cedar Seeds in a pouch were on my chest

I bowed to My Old dream from time before I was born

Am I returning to my Ancient Home?

I entered a world of tears...
Cried by Children of Earth
I heared songs of pain and terror

I have not met many spaces to nourish myself as much
And I forgot how to speak language of Spirits

That were events of a surface

For seven days I was asked to leave all my believes and selves and enter a circle of a ceremony
For seven days I stayed in a fiery steam to meet own borders and let tight layers away

After seven days I heared
That I have not completed my Joruney with The Father
That my Wounds are still ones that keep me away from my Power

After some time a healer invited me to her space
She asked me a question

Through that I have entered a deepest chamber in my Labyrinth of Shadows
I have seen I was married to the Dark Father in a strange marriage of domination and control

With help of  a Healer I ended that relationship

I said goodbye to the Dark Man


I am walking a New Path.....

Learning to speak Anew....
..and write New Poems....

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