wtorek, 24 listopada 2015

A song of a desert

Once a Man knocked on a door of a house of a witch...
She lived alone in a forest. She studied deeply the life of forest plants and animals. She knew which plants nourish, which heal, she knew the paths as she walked them so many times before. She saw how animals love and kill eachother... She understood that life interwines with death...and that new day alway brings new fresh air.
In times she felt lonely. Sometimes she sang to the Sun sometimes she dreamt to the Moon... She was trying to remind herself her own song to call in a Beloved..One day with fear in her heart she sang her song....
She knew life also means risk...
And one day a hunter from far away knocked on her door.
Her tribe taught her hospitality and she knew it is good to share in depths of forest when someone is lost.
He received from her shelter and food.
She started to listen to his stories of how Earth is mistreated out there and how he has knowledge to heal the soil and plants... That he hunts only for what he needs and not more. She felt touched by these stories.
Her dreams started to awake as his presence was lighting a fire of her longings.
One day she woke up next to him and he told her a story of a desert. Neverending space that seems to be dead . He said there is a way to make a desert green again.
She felt like desert was her own heart.... If he says that, maybe it is a chance to make desert of my heart green again, she thought.
One day she decided to walk out of her forest and go with him.
He spoke about building a house together and seeing the desert the mountains and rivers...
In hope for also her  own healing she went with him to the desert..
A space where fire is a dominant force....
She was shocked how cold nights can be there.. But this is a nature of fire ..it can warm it can burn and can be gone....
She spoke to him in cold nights, opening her soul, her hidden chambers
She shared her dreams and fears.
Some stories caused misunderstandings between them .... They wanted to part but she knew it is part of love to go through pain so she stayed.
One day she woke up and he was gone.
Desert was again full of fire in the day...
But he wasnt there... He left a short letter saying she needs to learn how to really love a man ..
'Where is this knowledge of making a desert green again? How can this be done when he abandoned that?'
She spent few days alone.... Crying to the emptiness around...
One day wind touched her gently on the face and she knew it means to return to own home again....
In her heart there was a new song... Song of a desert that only those who truly have courage can hear and through that know how to make it green again....

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