środa, 30 września 2015

Melting into the night

Melting into the night
Letting body dissolve with all particles
Touching a great pain
Opening a wound
In the night dancing with an open wound
Letting spirits to go through it
Letting the wound to sing
Weaving the song with particles of the night

Reborn with Sunrise

poniedziałek, 21 września 2015

Death Time

She came again...in her character she is not black... She is like a powerful Rainbow...never coming in a same manner nor same colour.


She is a Rainbow Serpent sliding between layers of me, spiling her transformative poison into places that pulsate with pain, routine, trauma, stagnation,knots of emotions.
Her poison opens up all that has been closed for to long, disolves all that seemed to be fixed, stiff, all old skins on parts of my Spirit...

Nothing stays the same after her dance...

Nothing is valid anymore...

No name really calls me...

Only ashes of old selves left ..as I watched her flying away... Rainbow Serpent ...

niedziela, 20 września 2015

There came a Lion Man

There came a Lion Man. He came into my space and roared at a Tower of Life. Many pieces of it fell down on the ground. He shook the world and said "See what is real and what breaks!"
He roared when I sang my songs, he didn't listen..." I don't care about songs, I eat the real meat ."
First I was admiring him from a distance, looking at his mighty body, shining fur and powerful paws... Then, when my Tower of Life was falling down, I had less place to hide...I was showing him my naked body more and more. After two days I came down. I knew he can eat me but in my heart I knew I am eternal even if my body dies...
He came slowly to me, smelling me from a distance ... He asked "Am I nice or dangerous? "
"You are beautiful" I replied.
 He said "I am both."
There was no big difference between us .. I touched his wild body and felt we are part of One..

piątek, 18 września 2015

Emptiness and coherence of field of Love

What is a real experience of emptiness?
I see it as not a denial of desires and identity, nor disconnecting from life.
I have glimpses of state of total emptiness and feeling there is a feeling of being totaly alive.
Blocking desires and trying to avoid neediness I see as puting blockages on  the own flow of energy - that energy that fills all and I don't perceive it as reaching a state of emptiness.

Desires are powerful ways of creating and this is our universal power - creating, experimenting, destroying, being touched by own creation.
Trying to hold to desires and their effects I experience as a blockage on my energy flow. For example I desire someone strongly and I focus on that person so much that in reality I block our natural exchange and communication flow. I just focus on my desire and not really seeing the person.
Then the power of emptiness comes in.... When I allow myself to be fully open and letting ALL to flow through me. All - all feelings without catching them and trying to understand them. It might seem to be not focused state where I don't make a choice but it is highly liberating state where I am not attached to constant definition and analyze... In this state of opening part of it is to be empty...no strings attached to any definition. This emptiness allows to switch of limiting thinking and open on the quality that connects all - space.... Vastness... Expansion...
There exists love as a factor connecting all...
In that place relations with others change perspective. I no longer need and hold to other as qualities of other flow through me...
That field of love is coherent and contains all .

czwartek, 17 września 2015

The Mark of Dark Lilith

She appeared as a Goddess in the eye of a chaos.

When all elements were circling and lost themselves in the motion, she appeared still in the middle.
She was aware that she is born in the dark eye, in the centre of a spiral of All That Is.

For long she was dormant, not awake.
In moments she was awake .... weaving her presence into the cycles...
She knew so well how to stay conscious in cycles, she was born in the eye of chaos.

It happened naturally that she was a force to come into disbalance. She could easily go in between the pieces of reality like an underground river, gently yet strongly flowing between stones, roots and rotening bones.

It was natural that she came face to face with a Dark Father.
The ruler of a situation.
The dominant.
The master.
The one who was feeding himself with suffering of living ones.
As all is in motion, to complete the Big Cycle of Life, so was her presence - to face the Dark Father and bring Him back into the Flow of Life that He was trying to stop.
She stood against Him as many later said. But she was just still in the eye of chaos, naturally bringing the flow back... so that no cruelty can stop it.
Some were scared of her, some admired her... Not many knew that deep inside she dreamt of simple life enjoyements and natural easy flow.
For many she stayed in a memory as The One Who Stood Against The Dark Father.
It was her biggest blessing and biggest curse.

How many of us women carry this mark, not being fully aware that it is perceived as a dark force and disobeidiance and it is a way to bring the Flow of Life back.
How many of us women struggle with pieces of that power...
These pieces that were used as weapons to stop a destructive force of masculinity, and later they stayed in awarnes like open knives against ones we love.

Now we are singing back the cooling stillness that is a quality of Lilith, the One That Was Born in The Eye of Chaos.
