piątek, 12 grudnia 2014

...You can not catch a drop of Universe...

I am a drop of Universe

I slide down with all qualities of it in my own form
it is a unique mixture
where all elements blend into a special form
it happens once
it won't happen again

I touched your lips and slided down your heart
I let it all nourish you

I felt hurt by you too
Yet still nothing can disturbe an enormous power of Love
that Universe is...

You can not catch a drop of Universe nor with pain
nor with Love...

It contains all and contains nothing at all...

I am flowing between all these understandings

knowing all is motion

I do not regret that let you drink from the Source of Love that I come from...

piątek, 5 grudnia 2014

...when mists fall stronger is Spirits's call....

I have entered mists
I let them fill my whole self

they dance within me a dance of no name
a dance of no form

How to stay sober in that?

They dance my own name away....
and memory of all what felt stable and secure..

In that space I feel all spirits around
I feel their feelings and stories of hunger of no time..

In that space I can not say no to spirits...
only sending love brings them and me a moment of peace..
a moment of no time

Letting be myself a pure and empty vessel of mystery and healing
I let mists become me
And  hunger of spirits transforms
And with it I transform too...

środa, 3 grudnia 2014

Honoring Lovers

...I remember one of my Lovers.. his gentle and sad eyes
his gentle and strong touch
the way he touched my Soul and Heart... nestling crying feelings..
He responded to lost little child within an adult Woman

... I remember one of my Lovers...the song of his body
the Fire that I discovered and he attracted me with ...
He embraced me with his Fire and I got lost in it...
I felt like a little girl falling into a spiral of Desire...

.. I remember my Lovers .. manifestation of Divine Masculine ...
I honor all of You..

...lake of a Dream...

did it really happen?
is a space of Love an unconditional one real?

Were we touched by it really..?
How is it possible that now we are standing in this cold wind , when just not so long ago
we were hugged, loved, listened to ....?

I look into an open Mouth of Life
There is everything in it... from love to destruction
There is a Fire that burns and creates

There is Darkness and there is a Path

There is everything in it
Also the corridor into Unknown

I prepapre my tools - some of us made them weapons - for me they are tools to be ready to meet All in Life
I need sharp stones to make Fire
and cut when I need
I choose not to hurt ...
but I can protect when I feel this is the only thing I can do now

It was not a Dream
We were there for Real

The healing space of Unconditional Love
Now it is our Time to make it a Tool and go into
an open Mouth of Life...

Let us be Brave..